Most of the industries' animals are kept in extremely small confinement. Chickens live their entire lives in a small cage. Cows leave their fenced enclosures only to be slaughtered. Dairy cows may never be released.
Another very important part of animal treatment is properly feeding the livestock. Not all cattle are feed with the expensive grain mentioned in the environmental reasons to become vegan.
To cut costs, some farmers are adding a variety of questionable waste substances to their livestock and poultry feed. It is estimated that fifty to seventy-five percent of the cattle feed on poultry wastes! In addition, more than forty billion pounds of slaughterhouse wastes like blood, bone, and viscera, as well as the remains of euthanized cats and dogs are annually feed to the cattle that millions of people are consuming.
Not only is it very cruel to feed animals this, but do you want to eat the animals that have been eating this?
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