What is Veganism, and why should one become
a Vegan?

line_longAlthough the term "vegan" started in the United Kingdom about 50 years ago with the formation of the Vegan Society, the practice of not eating animal products actually began long ago.

A vegan is someone who tries to live without exploiting animals, for the benefit of animals, people and the planet. Vegans eat a plant-based diet, with nothing coming from animals - no meat, milk, eggs or honey, for example. A vegan lifestyle also avoids leather, wool, silk and other animal products for clothing or any other purpose.

It is expected that the Vegan lifestyle will remain increasingly popular.  While many people have argued that it is a lifestyle that would simply become classified as a fad the number of people choosing to live as practicing vegans has continued to grow and will likely further increase.  Growing in numbers is an incredibly helpful benefit that has helped the Vegan lifestyle to continue growing rather than turning stagnant.

Trying to decide if a Vegan lifestyle is perfect for you is not always simple; there are many questions that you need to be able to answer in regards to your own personal preferences and eating habits as well as feelings in order to determine if this is truly a lifestyle that you are comfortable leading.  It is very important to note that many people who are not Vegans are still equally concerned about the environment as well as animals, however they choose to practice their beliefs in other ways which will allow them to still eat meats and other animal products if they so choose.
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